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next-yak is a CSS-in-JS solution tailored for Next.js that seamlessly combines the expressive power of styled-components syntax with efficient build-time extraction of CSS using Next.js's built-in CSS configuration.


Install the package

Install next-yak dependency using your favorite package manager.

npm i next-yak

Enable next-yak

Add next-yak to your next.config.mjs or next.config.js:

import { withYak } from "next-yak/withYak";
const nextConfig = {
  // your next.js config
export default withYak(nextConfig);

Start using next-yak

With the installation and configuration done, you can now use next-yak directly in your components. Here's a simple example:

import { styled } from 'next-yak';
const StyledDiv = styled.div`
  color: #333;
  padding: 16px;
  background-color: #f0f0f0;
function HomePage() {
  return <StyledDiv>Hello, next-yak!</StyledDiv>;
export default HomePage;

You're now ready to use next-yak in your Next.js project.