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Is next-yak production ready?

next-yak is still experimental but we are working hard to release a stable 1.0 version

Can I use next-yak with other frameworks than next.js?

Not by now - feel free to ask for adding support for your framework in our github issue tracker and we will give it a thought.

Can I mix/combine next-yak with other CSS-in-JS libraries?

Yes, you can use next-yak with other CSS-in-JS libraries. You can use it with styled-components, emotion, or any other library that adds css classes to your components.

Can I reference a component in another component?

Yes, you can reference it in the tagged template literal.

import { styled } from 'next-yak';
const Button = styled.button`
	background: #BF4F74;
const Nav = styled.nav`
	background: #BF4F74;
	${Button} {
		color: white;

Why does next-yak always generate CSS variables when the values are static references that are known at build time?

It's very hard to determine if a value is static or dynamic. We decided to always generate CSS variables to be on the safe side and add errors if we detect that a value is static but a CSS variable is used.

Can I use next-yak with TypeScript?

Yes, of course. next-yak is fully type safe.

Can I contribute to next-yak?

Yes, of course. We are happy about every contribution. Just write an issue or a pull request here